Impossible Physics Extended

1. Phasers 

It is a fact that there is no physical limit to the amount of raw energy that can go into a light beam. Some of you may know the story of how Archimedes help defends the kingdom by creating large solar reflectors that set ablaze the sails of the ships of the enemy. 
For creating phasers one would need to create the most powerful laser ever conceived.

We can make use of "Inertial Confinement", that is a number of powerful lasers are focused on a hydrogen pellet to vaporize the surface and pellet collapses and produce a shock wave of millions of degrees of temperature.
It is still a dream to come true.

 2. Psychokinesis

Psychokinesis is the ability to move objects by thinking about them, just like Matilda in the movie.
We do not know which neuron controls which muscle. If the person can actively participate in learning how to control these new patterns via the computer, then these computers execute a precise command such as turning on a switch.

One way is to coat the walls with a room temperature semiconductor. If we place electromagnet inside the households, we could make them levitate. If these magnets were controlled by computers wired to our brain (EEG), then we could make objects float at will. The famous scientist Stephen Hawking, who was paralyzed due to motor neuron disease, has a computer made by Intel that speaks out what he thinks. this type of machine connected with electromagnets to control objects.

3. Perpetual Motion Machine (PMM)

These are the machines that do work without using any energy. This gives unlimited output using any energy. These machines can replace oil and gas and can save the environment and preserve the Earth. With growing population, we are in demand for more and more energy. This is where PMM comes to interest. Many scientists have tried their luck to invent the revolutionary PMM, but all were fruitless.
John Cox developed a clock that can run forever. It had a barometer that turns the hand of the clock. This clock works whenever it is a change in atmospheric pressure. For PMM, the energy should be brought into the device from outside, that is the total energy is conserved.

Is it possible to extract energy from nothing?
It is later realized that vacuum is actually nothing, but teaming with activity. This idea was from Nicola Tesla. He told that vacuum may possess untold quantities of energy. An astounding fact is that the 73% of the Universe is made of "dark energy", the energy of the pure vacuum. These are results from the analyzing of data from satellites that orbit the Earth. This means that the greatest reservoir of energy is the energy from the vacuum. We have dark energy everywhere, even in our rooms. But they are too small to drive a PMM. 
PMM remains the most wanted and unfinished invention of the modern science.

4. Parallel Universes

Is there another universe? The idea of the parallel universe is a hotly debated topic amongst the scientists. There are three types of parallel universes.

  a. Hyperspace;

         We only have three dimensions, they are length width and height. Whatever object in our universe, we can locate with these three numbers. But do we see smoke after it disappears into the air? How is it located? If a higher dimension exists, then it should be smaller than an atom. This is hyperspace.

  b. Multiverse ;

          There are 55 different string theories. Everyone wanted a unique string theory. Then Edward Witten speculated that all the five string theories are in fact the same theory if we consider the eleventh dimension. This string theory predicts that there are trillions upon trillions of universes.

    c. Quantum Universe;

         When the uncertainty principle is applied to the universe, it naturally leads to the multiverse. At the time of big bang, the universe was smaller than an electron. As electrons must be quantized, that is they can exist in parallel states, similarly, the universe must also exist in parallel states. This leads to a many worlds' approach. 


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