Telepathy: All You Need To Know

Today the topic that we are discussing, is telepathy.
There is a lot to discuss here but given the fact that we all do not possess much knowledge in this field, it is so obvious that we won't understand anything if I exaggerate the content.

Telepathy is the power to read mind. People with the power of telepathy are known as telepaths. Normally people read mind to some extent using the body languages. 

Our brain works by transmitting signals inside. But these signals cannot be used to read someone's thought. The reasons are;

   * Signals are extremely weak.
   * Signals are indistinguishable.
   * We don't have an antenna to receive someone's brain signal.
   * We could not unscramble these signals.

A possibility is that if handheld MRI scanners become a reality, then we might be capable of decoding certain key phrases, words or sentences by coupling the MRI machine to a tiny computer loaded with Softwares for decoding. But it is not discovered yet.

Also, we can make telepathy happen, by projecting thoughts into another person's head using radio waves. It is possible to beam electromagnetic signals at parts of the brain that are known to control specific functions. By stimulating other areas of the brain, we get a visual image or thought. But this is still under research.


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