Is Invisibility Possible?

Will it be possible one day, to travel faster than light, to teleport, to become invisible?
We all wonder of this stuff that we think, are just fiction and not at all possible. But the world is full of possibilities.

As the technology is now so much advanced, the travel to these impossibilities has lessened.
For eg;  Once it was considered that it is not possible for any force to move continents apart to form as it is now. But now we know about plate tectonics and is possible. Most of the fancies in 16th and 17th centuries are now a reality.

So we must expect the same for the things that are mentioned below. Be ready to get MIND BLOWN
P.S It took around half- year for me to do research and publish this post. I have done my maximum to provide the correct information. 

1. Invisibility

Invisibility has long been one of the marvels of science fiction and fantasy, from the pages of The Invisible Man to the magic invisibility cloak, of the Harry Potter books, or the ring in The Lord of Rings. When we hear this term, what comes to our mind first? We would all wonder about the millions of opportunities if we were invisible. We won't need to stand in a queue, we don't need to think of what others think of us, we would do whatever we want to do. 

Invisibility, of course, violates the laws of optics, but with the new advances in metamaterials, optic textbooks need major revisions. Clearly, invisibility is a property that arises at the atomic level. The most promising new development involving invisibility is the new material called 'metamaterials', which may one day makes objects invisible.  Metamaterials were once considered impossible too.

Metamaterials can eliminate all reflection and shadows. Refraction is the bending of light when it moves through a transparent medium. There are more theories behind it which I am simplifying to make it short.

Denser the medium, greater the degree of bending and greater the refraction. Imagine if you can adjust the refractive index, that light could bend and meander in new directions, creating a path that would wander like a snake. To control the refractive index of metamaterial to make an object invisible, it should have a negative refractive index which is impossible.

The internal structures inside the metamaterials must be smaller than the wavelength of the radiation. To make an object invisible to green light, with a wavelength of 500nm, the metamaterial must have structures within it that are only about 50 nm long. This is the biggest challenge which can one day become true with advanced technology.
This is the first topic on "Impossible Physics". 

We will be publishing posts on other interesting topics later on. If you enjoyed this blog, please subscribe and share it with your friends. Thats how you can show love and care to my work.
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  1. really interesting.....
    all the wishes and support...

  2. Joyal Johnson. Thank you bro

  3. @Mindless thank you. I will surely publish the other works soon.

  4. Great Article Geswin. All the Best..

  5. Great post, it is very interesting topic and cannot wait to hear more later on this.


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