Force Fields are going to be a Reality One day

Radio has no future. Heavier than air flying machines are impossible. X-Rays will prove to be a hoax.

                                                                                                           -Physicist Lord Kelvin, 1899

Force Fields in an animation movie.

No wonder why everything is impossible one day are definitely going to be possible the other day.
After the successful post about invisibility, we are planning to write another blog on Force fields which have always been a fascination for scientists and Star Wars fans.

So here it is.......The second topic on "Impossible Phyics".

We have seen forcefields in a lot of science fiction movies and more often in Star Trek series. It is a kind of thin, invisible but impenetrable barrier that is able to deflect missiles, bullets, lasers and so on. Though it looks so simple in movies, the truth is far more complicated. If force fields can be created then it can be a revolutionary invention that, we can make roads and bridges in just a press of a button like in the game "Halo". Even we can build the cities under the ocean.

 We know about Michael Faraday's 'Force Fields", that shows the path of force field of a magnet. The force fields of Michael Faraday are the forces that drive most of the machines today. There are four kinds of forces; gravity, electromagnetism, weak nuclear forces, and strong nuclear forces. But these forces are not conformed to the force fields that we see in science fictions. Two reasons are put forward for the force fields;
          a. There may be a fifth force which is still not discovered, which can make a force field. 
          b. A plasma can mimic some properties of a force field. 

Plasma is the fourth state of matter. It is the most common form in Universe. It is the ionized gas.Gas is heated to high temperature to make plasma. It is moulded and shaped using electric and magnetic waves to make a shield. This is plasma window. Force fields are also important in magnetic levitation. 

Scientists say that to teleport someone, you need to know the precise location of every atom in the person's body. This violates Heisenberg's uncertainty principle which says that it is not possible to know the precise location and velocity of the electron. 

The teleportation disobeys Newtonian theory. But by Quantum theory there are 'Quantum Jumps' inside atoms. This is explained with Schrodinger's Wave Equation. It cannot be applied to humans which have trillions of atoms.Though teleportation is allowed at the atomic level, we would have to wait millions of years to actually witness these bizarre effects. We can use laws of quantum theory to develop a machine to teleport something as in science fiction. Yes. It is possible.

Now don't think that this is just a simple post because of its small size. This is a vast topic and has been shortened for better understanding and for the sake of reading.
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